KWCX – My first (and last?) cyclocross race

When I was re-introduced into cycling as an adult in the early 1990s, I bought a mountain bike and began to explore trails.  In these early days, there weren't a lot of trails that were built exclusively for mountain bike, so my brothers and I would explore hiking trails around Dundas Valley, Oakville and anywhere … Continue reading KWCX – My first (and last?) cyclocross race

2018 Howling Coyote Gravel Grinder

With the onset of autumn, I find it easy to stay inside.  Daylight hours are shorter and temperatures are cooler, and I believe we have an instinct to begin our winter hibernation habits (or it's just my excuse to be lazy, eat and drink more and exercise less!).I've also scaled back this year in the … Continue reading 2018 Howling Coyote Gravel Grinder